Memory Joggers From Frank Wilkins


Frank was in the 1980th Comm Sq at Takhli, and was Supervisor of the Base Communications Center .  His photos were taken during his tour there July 1968-69.  More of Frank's photos will be linked on the interactive Entertainment Establishments map soon.

  The Town's Gas Station & behind it the District Government Office

Frank has captured the infamous Lumberyard   (It really was a lumberyard).


Local homes with the ever present cow, Takhli Hill in the background.  The Comm Site on the hill would have been roughly behind the telephone pole.

The Pornsawan Hotel, built early '68.  This shot would have been taken from where the road to Bangkok crossed the railroad tracks.  The hotel faced the tracks.


The Old Hootches from the Outside..

The Old Hootches from the Inside..  This was typical of the interiors, it could almost pass for mine, except this one has many more furnishings.

More Memory Joggers From Frank Wilkins

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